What’s the biggest priority facing EU Public Affairs this October?
How to engage captivatingly with policymakers who are facing video-conference fatigue.
Which EU leader has had the best 2020 so far?
Giuseppe Conte. A recent poll by La Repubblica, the Italian daily, ranked the Italian prime minister as the most successful since the birth of the so-called “Second Republic” in 1992. He has led the country well through its response to the Covid-19 crisis and secured vital rescue funds for Italy as part of the EU’s green recovery. The “people’s lawyer” has steadied the ship in Italy with less fractious coalition partners but it’s not to say that there will be plain sailing ahead with Italy from an economic and social standpoint.
If you were giving gold stars, where would you post them?
Frontline health-care workers rightly deserve our praise this year. Moreover, all the workers involved in logistics & delivery of goods have demonstrated they are the backbone of our lives, not just our economies. I would also give recognition to the countless musical artists who have kept our spirits up with free online gigs and special sessions.
Tell us one surprising fact…
When we take the time and effort to provide protection and habitat for species, guess what? They thrive! David Attenborough provides some worrying facts in his latest documentary as well as some very scary predictions for the 2030s, 2040s, 2050s, 2080s and 2100s.
What is the survey you would like to conduct?
I would like to know what three things people would change in their lives if they had a magic wand.
What are you reading?
The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair by Joël Dicker
Linked In or Twitter for you?
Twitter (for its sheer scale and range)
Who do you follow?
- Aaron McLoughlin @turtleboy19
- Jon Worth @jonworth
- Jack Parrock @jackeparrock
- Dave Keating @DaveKeating
- Philip Stephens @philipstephens
- The Wildlife Trusts @WildlifeTrusts
Roland Moore is a contributing author to How to Work with the EU Institutions: A Practical Guide to Successful Public Affairs in the EU